In My May Kitchen

IMK May chivesWhat a difference a month makes! Just four weeks ago, the snow had barely melted when I reported for this In My Kitchen forum, hosted by Celia at figjamandlimecordial. Now, the mint, chives, and sage have sprouted anew, livening up everything from smoothies to salads. I added chives instead of red onions to this batch of guacamole and happily served it outside.

IMK May guacamole

For summer drink ideas, I need to look no further than a recipe book of my grandmother’s from the 1930s.

IMK May cold drinks
Earlier in April, I visited Ireland for the first time on a family holiday. After seeing the bakery shelves, I vowed to finally learn to bake a proper scone with a little help from a
book I bought in Dublin. And then there are the recipes from the Guinness factory! Hope your month is off to an adventurous start.

IMK May Irish scones

IMK May Irish book

About heritagerecipebox

I am named after my great-grandmother, who only prepared two dishes, according to anyone who remembers. Somehow I ended up with a cooking gene that I brought with me from Richmond, Virginia to my current home in Boston, Massachusetts. I have worked as a journalist and published three cookbooks plus a memoir and a novel. This blog gives me a chance to share family recipes and other American recipes with a past.
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12 Responses to In My May Kitchen

  1. Kavey says:

    Those old baking books are so often full of the BEST recipes!


  2. I always learn something from the old books! Library sales and yard sales are my favorite places to look for them. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. MamaD1xx4xy says:

    There is nothing quite like old cookbooks. Especially like the drink recipes! Yeah for delicious homemade scones.


  4. Love guacamole and what a great A little Book of Irish Cooking!
    Thank you for this month’s IMK view too!


  5. Maggie says:

    Oh, you visited my homeland! Very jealous! I won’t get here until I move home in August. Scones are just the best. I love popping into my favourite tea shops (like Beweleys or Ann’s Bakery) for a pot of tea and a scone. I hope the rest of your trip was amazing!


    • We can get fairly authentic Irish food in Boston, where I live, but it doesn’t quite compare to the real thing. We tried a different bakery for breakfast every day. Cheddar scones were a hit. Korea must be quite an adjustment for you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Maggie says:

        Thankfully, I’ve lived in Korea for nearly three years now, so the adjustment period is well over! I didn’t find it as difficult as I expected that I would but I live in a small town with a great expat community and my co workers are just amazing. I have never visited Boston but I would very much like to some day!


  6. lovely looking breads. and your guacamole looks delish.


  7. That old cookbook is a treasure! Frosted coffee! 🙂 Hope you’ve had a great month, sorry I’m so late getting to everyone’s posts! x


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